Nifess Scholarship and grant trust funds has announce scholarship for Nigerian indigenous students and to ne qualify for this scholarship opportunities is open to Nifess undergraduate member as you can become one of the institute member today with jus a single registration. All you need to know about NiFESS Undergraduate Scholarship for Nigerian Students 2024 will be explained in this article and how to also apply.
This initiative is specifically for Undergraduates in Social and other related courses as it’s target about 10,000 applicants across the country. According to the Director General, Ini Stephen, he said those eligible for the NiFESS Scholarship 2023 must be an undergraduate member of NiFESS (MoNFS). This is a form of financial aid aim to help undergraduate in state, federal and private owned universities students in social science and other fields (related) to be able to continue their studies and not a fully funded scholarship.
NSGTF (NiFESS Scholarship and Grant Trust Fund) platform was created to help respond to inadequate financial aid to undergraduate students who are a member of the MoNFS Communities. This is also available to 100 level to final year students and can be applicable every year. Scholarship for nigerian as you can apply Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Scholarship in Thailand 2024
About NiFESS Scholarship and Grant Trust Fund
The Nigerian Federation of Social Scientist is an organization of Nigerian professionals in Social Sciences. NiFESS is the umbrella that integrates professionals and undergraduates of Social Sciences across Nigeria, giving us a voice that accords us the ingenuity and identity we possess under a unified platform. Apply Vidyasirimedhi institute of science and technology (vistec) Scholarship 2024
Scholarship Details
Country: Nigeria
Host: NiFESS
Type: Funded
Level: Bachelor Degree
Award to be taken in: Federal, state or private owned universities
Gender: Male and Female
No of Awards: 10000
Targets: Nigerian Undergraduate Students
Eligibility Criteria for NiFESS Undergraduate Scholarship for Nigerian Students 2024
Here are every thing you need to know before applying to the Nifess Undergraduate scholarship for 2023-2024 Academic session;
- Scholarship is only available to Nigerian undergraduates Students
- State, federal and Private-owned universities undergraduate universities students can apply
- Applicants must be an undergraduate member of NiFESS (MoNFS)
- Grade Point, 100 Level – No Grade point required while 200 level to Final year – at least 2.75 GPA.
Courses Available for NiFESS undergraduate scholarship
1. Economics
2. Sociology
3. Anthropology
4. Social works
5. Political Science
6. International Relations
7. History and international Studies
8. Mass Communication
9. Geography
10. Public Administration
11. Local Government Studies
12. Legislative Studies
13. Archeology
14. Criminology
15. Psychology
16. Social Studies
17. Human Resource Management
18. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
Note: These are the only Courses NiFESS Accepts applications from, outside these courses are not eligible for scholarship.
Benefits of NiFESS Scholarship
- Undergraduate Scholarship: Successful Applicants receives up to N200,000
- Undergraduate Final Year Research Project Grant
- Post-Graduate Scholarship
- Post-Graduate Research Grant of up to 1,000,000 NGN (Depending on the financial needs assessment and approval from the NiFESS Scholarship and Grant Board)
- Research Grant for Doctorate Degree of up to 3,000,000 NGN (Subject to budget approval from the NiFESS Scholarship and Grant Board)
- Fellows Research allowance: Open to only Fellows of NiFESS. Fellows can access Grants of up to 10,000,000 NGN for Cross continental and International research projects, and integral research works for National Growth and Development.
Documents Required
- Original Admission Letter
- Student’s Identity Card
- Reference Letter From Head of Department
- NiFESS undergraduate membership receipts from paystack
- Previous Semester Result
How to Apply
Undergraduate students interested in applying for NiFESS Undergraduate Scholarship for Nigerian Students 2024 should follow this process below;
Applicants must be part Nigerian Federation of Social Scientists (NIFESS) Membership and to become a member CLICK HERE.
Return back to the Application portal Page and Start your Application.
Application Deadline
There is no specific deadline date for Applying to NiFESS undergraduate Schoarship 2023/2024 Academic Session.
Official Website
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