Xian Jiaotong University Scholarship In China Without IELTS (Fully Funded)

Be ready to start your next degree in China. The application is now open for the Xian Jiaotong University Scholarship In China Without IELTS. XJTLU offers a range of scholarships to highly motivated and dedicated candidates to pursue a master’s leading to a doctoral degree.

Scholarships are available for full-time study only, and there are currently no scholarships available for part-time programs. If you are seeking doctoral funding opportunities, you could either apply for a scholarship for an existing funded Ph.D. project or a scholarship with your project.

Xi’an Jiaotong University is a public research university in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. As a member of Double First Class University Plan, C9 League, Project 985, and Project 211, it is a leading national university with special strengths in engineering, technology, applied economics, management, and life sciences.

Xian Jiaotong University Scholarship

  • Coverage: Fully Funded
  • University: Xian Jiaotong University
  • Degree: Postgraduate
  • Country: China

Scholarship Benefits:

A full scholarship: consists of a tuition fee waiver for three years (RMB 240,000 total value) and a monthly stipend of RMB 5,000 for three years (RMB 180,000 total value).

A fees-only scholarship: consists of a tuition fee waiver for three years (RMB 240,000 total value);

A partial tuition-fee scholarship: consists of up to 50% tuition fee reduction for three years(RMB 120,000 total value).

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Eligibility Criteria:

XJTLU offers a range of scholarships to highly motivated and dedicated candidates to pursue research leading to a doctoral degree. Qualified applicants may receive financial support including:

It is a condition of the award that full scholarship holders are required to undertake a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant role; while these positions are also available for fee-only scholarship holders and partial tuition-fee scholarship holders, who will be paid with university standards.

Scholarships are available for full-time study only, and there are currently no scholarships available for part-time programs.

If you are seeking doctoral funding opportunities, you could either apply for a scholarship for an existing funded Ph.D. project or a scholarship with your project.


There will be two application rounds for each academic year:

First round– applications submitted by 17:00 CST (UTC+8), 15 October will be reviewed in the first round and the successful scholarship recipients will be announced in December.

Second round– applications submitted by 17:00 CST (UTC+8), 15 April will be reviewed in the second round and the successful scholarship recipients will be announced in July.

The scholarship deadlines are strictly adhered to and late submissions will not be accepted.

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Apply For A Scholarship With Your Project

This scholarship aims to cultivate innovative applicants who devote themselves to their original research projects. You can bring your research project to apply for a scholarship.

This scholarship is available to potential doctoral candidates whose principal supervisor is from the following schools:

How To Apply

The scholarship application should be submitted through the online system following the normal Ph.D. application procedure. The admission process for the doctoral program will be initiated after the release of the scholarship result.

More details can be found on the ‘How to Apply‘ page of the website.

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