Are you a young economist interested in acquiring hands-on exposure to a cross-section of International Monetary Fund (IMF) work and an opportunity to apply your research and analytical skills? Then the IMF Economist Program is for you.
The Economist Program offers participants a well-rounded experience of the IMF’s work and provides a unique foundation for a thought-provoking and fulfilling career as an economist.
IMF Economist Program 2024 | DETAILS
The program is targeted at young economists who want to have influence on the global stage and who can bring the latest in economic thought and multidisciplinary approaches to help address key global monetary cooperation, securing financial stability, boosting international trade, promoting employment and sustainable economic growth and reducing poverty.
During the tree-year program, candidates will rotate through two departmental assignments, joining economic teams working in regional and country-specific surveillance as well as fiscal, monetary, balance of payments, debts, or related issues.
Also Check: IMF Internship Program for Postgraduate Students
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for the International Monetary Fund Economist Program, you must meet the criteria listed as follows:
- Be a recent PhD graduate or be within one year of completing your PhD in a relevant field of study.
- A national of one of the International Monetary Fund member countries.
- Be under the age of 34 when you join the IMF EP program.
- Demonstrate excellent problem-solving skills.
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply Interested applicants for the International Monetary Fund Economist Program are to apply online by visiting the IMF Career Site. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed between now and January, with offers made in early February.
Applicants are to note that the selection process consists of multiple stages, which may run in parallel to one another. They include the following stages:
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a 30-40 minute preliminary interview.
- During the preliminary interview, you may be asked to forward your most recent university transcript from your PhD program, provide three referees and submit a research paper or one or two chapters of your dissertation.
- Successful candidates will be invited for a 60-miute virtual panel interview and will be asked to take a 40-minute online psychometric assessment.
- Offers to successful applicants will be sent out in February.
Application Deadline: Not specified
Visit the Official Website for Further Details
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