King Misuzulu Zulu biography: age, profile, education, net worth parents

King Misuzulu Zulu (born 23 September 1974) is a member of the royal family of the 11 million-strong Zulu nation. He is the son of the late king King Goodwill Zwelithini.

Reports covered that Misuzulu may be the next to sit on the Zulu Throne following a will read out to the royal family. The will was read in a family meeting held behind closed doors.


NameMisuzulu Zulu
Born23 September 1974 (age 47 years)
KwaHlabisa, KwaZulu-Natal
NationalitySouth African
ParentsKing Goodwill Zwelithini (father)
Queen Mantfombi MaDlamini Zulu (mother)
BirthdaySeptember 23
EducationInternational Studies
Alma materJacksonville, Florida, USA
Net worth$5000000


His date of birth is on 23 September 1974 and the place of birth is in KwaHlabisa, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. King Misuzulu Zulu is 47 years old. He is the eldest son his mother had with his father, the late king.


Normally, the one to serve on the throne would have been the eldest son of the senior wives of the king. This means the eldest male child of all his 28 royal children would have been king.

Last year, Prince Lethukuthula Zulu (50), who fits in the description above was killed at his home in Johannesburg.


He was born into royalty and is the son of late King Goodwill Zwelithini and Queen Mantfombi MaDlamini Zulu. His mother is the third wife of the late king and held the status of “Great Wife”.

In 1977, she and the late kind became husband and wife. Following the late king’s death, she was appointed by the Zulu royal family as regent until a new successor sits on the throne.

After she was appointed to the position, speculations were triggered that her child would become king.

Her appointment was announced after a meeting was held between 200 royal family members and the late king’s lawyer to discuss his will.


He holds a degree in International Studies in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.


King Zwelithini died at 72 years in hospital on March 12, 2021. Though he had diabetes, he died of Covid-related complications.

The king made history after serving on the throne for almost five decades, making him the longest-reigning Zulu monarch. He was survived by six wives and at least 26 children.

The discussion on the late king’s successor would be suspended to allow the royal family to observe 3 months of morning. 

The king was planted at a private ceremony which a select few men from the royal family attended.


Queen MaDlamini Zulu came from royalty and held the highest status among the other wives married to the king. It is worthy to mention that she is the sister of Eswatini’s King Mswati III.

With the late king, Queen MaDlamini Zulu is the mother of eight children; five sons and three daughters. Misuzulu is the eldest son of the couple and according to reports is the favorite to sit on the throne.

Net worth

Although Forbes is yet to estimate his net worth, other sources claimed to have. King Misuzulu Zulu has an estimated net worth of $5000000.


  1. Zulu Family History“. South African History Online retrieved on 25-03-2021.
  2. Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini’s death: Queen chosen as regent“. BBC retrieved on 25-03-2021.
  3. Zimasa Matiwane, “Race for Zulu crown as King Goodwill Zwelithini’s will stays secret“. TimesLIVE retrieved on 25-03-2021.
  4. Africanews and AFP, “South Africa: How is the next Zulu king decided?“. Africanews retrieved on 25-03-2021.