Italian Government Scholarships Without IELTS in 2024 for International Students – Submit Application!

The Italian Government Scholarships applications for the class of 2024 are now being accepted in 2024 without the IELTS requirement. IELTS is not required to apply for the Italian Government Scholarships.

From around the globe, students incline more toward scholarships in Italy as it has some of the world’s most prestigious institutes, such as the University of Bologna, the University of Padua, and the University of Florence.

Italy is known as the center of excellence for higher education, dating back to the Italian Renaissance. Hence, the Italian government aims to give opportunities to students all around the globe to study in their country. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) is the most known for offering subsidies, and the Italian government makes efficient use of it to provide scholarships, which are available for the years 2024-23. The main aim is to encourage international cooperation in the cultural, technological, and scientific fields. More so, it promotes the Italian heritage as well as supports its economic system in the world. 

This Italian Government Scholarships Program is accessible to the nationals and the foreign natives. Another aim of this program is to make the Italian program affordable for those who plan to achieve their education in Italy. 

However, these Italian scholarships are very limited, and those who have not received any previous scholarships from the Italian government are preferred. The selection criteria are rather competitive. The MAECI provides scholarships based on academic merit, financial assistance, personal motivation, and Italian language expertise. 

Italian Scholarships are offered for four different ventures; Master’s degree, Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM), Ph.D. program, and Research under academic supervision. 

The Italian government plans to increase the number of foreign students studying in Italy through these scholarships. The duration of the Italian scholarship varies from three, six, or nine months, mainly depending on the type of course at the institution.

It has, overall, been a successful program providing financial assistance to students all around the globe and has helped nurture international collaboration and perception.

Funding Package of Italian Government Scholarships:

Students who avail the Italian Government Scholarships are seen to achieve various benefits. Depending on the policy of the institute, students are exempted from paying tuition, as well as enrolment fees, however, this strongly varies according to the student’s accomplishments as well.

Medical cover, and tuition fees waiver will be the part of Italy Government Scholarship program.

Students are also provided with health insurance throughout the complete duration of the endowment. Most importantly, students are also able to manage their living expenses easily as they are provided with a monthly handout of 900 euros, which are directly deposited into the student’s Italian bank account.

Language Proficiency Requirement for Italian Government Scholarships:

The Italian language taught programs are available for application to those applicants with the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) B2 level.

Whereas, the English language taught programs require their applicants to provide an English language proficiency test records.

Eligibility Standards of Italian Government Scholarships:

The eligibility criteria for the Italian Government Scholarships (2024) are rather simple.

Age Requirements for Italian Government Scholarships: The master’s degree applicants must be under 28 years of age, doctoral degree applicants have to be under 30 years of age, and research scholars must be under 40 years of age.

In terms of a Master’s degree, the grant is offered to the students who have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in their relevant country. If one intends to apply for one of the Italian AFAM courses, all entry requirements and academic modifications set by their preferred institutes must be met. The eligibility is the same for Ph.D. programs as well. 

The students who are willing to be taught in English have the option to do so simply by proving their language proficiency certificate. Likewise, those who wish to be taught in Italian must have a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language. Lastly, there is an age limit for each of the programs. In terms of Masters’ Programs, AFAM programs, or Italian Language or Culture courses, students must not be exceeding the age of 28. Whereas for the Ph.D. program, the age limit is set at 30, and 40 for those who are interested in Research Programs.

How Are You Ineligible?

Employees of the Italian Public Administration and their first-degree relatives are not qualified to participate in grants.

Grants are not available for Single Cycle Degree Programs, Bachelor’s Degree courses (first cycle), or a First-level/Second-level Master’s, single courses, or one-year university and specialized courses. Courses in the first cycle are permitted in AFAM institutions.

Grants cannot be provided to undertake programs at overseas institutions in Italy or abroad, or at private institutes, research facilities, or laboratories that are not approved by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

Grants cannot be provided to individuals who register for a course for a period that exceeds the course’s authorized term. Submissions that do not satisfy the criteria requirements will be rejected.

Italian Government Scholarships Application Method:

The process of applying is quite simple. You must use the link below to fill out and submit your application online. It is vital and encouraged to register with a regularly used email account, as all future correspondence will be sent to that inbox. Please check application portal link at the end of this article.

Submissions must be sent by June 9, 2024, at 2 p.m. CET. Applications received after the deadline will not be catered to.

What Are The Terms Of The Grant?

The recipient of a MAECI scholarship will earn 900 Euros per month, which will be paid quarterly to a personal current account opened in their name with an Italian bank. This will depend on the commencement of the grant and the length of time mentioned in the “Dichiarazione di assegnazione di borsa di studio,” which is the Awarding Letter.

Only after completing enrollment at the college and submitting all necessary documentation can the funding installment be obtained following the management procedures of the Italian Tax Code and IBAN.

At the close of each quarter, the MAECI will commence the funding operations. Individual payments will consequently begin after that time.

The final monthly installment will be paid only if good academic achievements have been verified.

Italian Government Scholarships Application Deadline: June 9, 2024

The last date to submit an application for Italy Government Scholarships 2024 session is set for June 9, 2024. Any applications after this date will not be considered for the Italian Government Scholarships program.

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