The Shanghai Government Scholarships 2024-2025 presents an exciting opportunity for international students to pursue higher education in China. This fully funded SGS scholarship is designed to attract brilliant students worldwide to study at various Shanghai based Universities.
The Shanghai Government Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025 is a comprehensive funding opportunity available to international students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. The SGS scholarship, designed for the 2024 cohort, encompasses full coverage of tuition fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend of CNY 2,500 for undergraduate students, CNY 3,000 for master’s degree students, and CNY 3,500 for doctoral candidates.
This fully-funded Shangai government scholarship also known as SGS scholarship is available for undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. studies across a variety of disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and art. The SGS scholarship for all degree options has a duration of about 4 to 5 years for Bachelor’s degrees, 2 to 3 years for Master’s degrees, and 3 to 4 years for Doctoral degrees in following Shanghai based Universities:
List of Universities Offering Shanghai Government Scholarship 2024 |
Universities in Shanghai | Official Websites of all Shanghai Region Universities |
Sanda University | https://www.sandau.edu.cn/%20english/main.psp |
Shanghai Dianji University | http://guojijl.sdju.edu.cn |
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences | http://yjs.sass.org.cn |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | http://www.shsmu.edu.cn/iso |
Shanghai University | https://apply.applyforshu.com/en/site/login |
Shanghai Normal University | http://iao.shnu.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law | https://www.shupl.edu.cn/en/ |
Shanghai Ocean University | https://www.shou.edu.cn/eng/6689/list.htm |
East China Normal University | http://lxs.ecnu.edu.cn/EN/msg.php?id=35 |
Shanghai International Studies University | http://www.oisa.shisu.edu.cn/ |
Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Lixin_University_of_Accounting_and_Finance |
Shanghai University of Electric Power | https://fao.shiep.edu.cn/en/ |
Fudan University | http://iso.fudan.edu.cn |
China Europe International Business School | http://en.ceibs.edu |
Shanghai Jian Qiao University | http://www.iidc.gench.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics | http://ices.sufe.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences | http://www.sumhs.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | http://iec.shutcm.edu.cn/en |
East China University of Political Science and Law | http://www.ecupl.edu.cn |
Shanghai Theatre Academy | http://www.sta.edu.cn |
Shanghai Business School | http://www.sbs.edu.cn/en_01 |
East China University of Science and Technology | http://ies.ecust.edu.cn/en |
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | http://iso.usst.edu.cn |
Tongji University | http://study.tongji.edu.cn |
Shanghai university of Engineering Science | http://chinese.sues.edu.cn |
Shanghai Maritime University | http://en.shmtu.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of Sport | http://cice.sus.edu.cn |
Shanghai Institute of Technology | http://inter.sit.edu.cn/s/56/t/ 263/p/1/c/2504/list.htm |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University | http://isc.sjtu.edu.cn |
Shanghai Conservatory of Music | http://www.shcmusic.edu.cn |
Shanghai Polytechnic University | http://lxs.sspu.edu.cn |
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | http://www.suibe.edu.cn/sis |
NYU Shanghai | https://shanghai.nyu.edu |
Donghua University | http://english.dhu.edu.cn |
Sponsorship Package of Shangai Government Scholarship 2024
SGS Scholarship Package: There are two types of SGS scholarships offered under at above mentioned Shanghai based universities:
1# Type A SGS Full Scholarship: Covers full tuition fee waiver, free accommodation on campus, and comprehensive medical insurance and a monthly living expense (CNY 2500 for undergraduates, CNY 3000 for graduates, CNY 3500 for doctoral students).
#2 Type B SGS Partial Scholarship: Sponsors tuition fee waiver and comprehensive medical insurance.
Eligibility Benchmarks for SGS Scholarship of China in 2024
In order to be eligible for the Shanghai Government Scholarship, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
- Non-Chinese citizens are in good health.
- Age and educational qualifications vary depending on degree program:
(under 23 for pre-college, under 25 for Bachelor’s, under 35 for Master’s, and under 40 for Ph.D. programs). - Required Chinese language proficiency (HSK4 level).
- Outstanding academic performance.
- Compliance with the entry requirements of the chosen university and program.
- Applicants receiving other Chinese government or organizational scholarships are ineligible.
Language Requirement to Apply for Shanghai Government scholarship
The language proficiency criteria for the Shanghai Government Scholarship differ based on the specific program you intend to apply for. Nonetheless, here are some general guidelines to consider:
1# For English-taught programs:
- IELTS: A score of 6.0 or higher
- TOEFL: A score of 80 or higher
- English language proficiency certificate
- Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement
#2 For Chinese-taught programs:
- HSK: A level of 5 or higher
If you do not meet the English or Chinese language proficiency prerequisites, you may still be eligible for the scholarship by committing to undertake a one-year pre-college language course. This course is designed to enhance your language skills to the required level before commencing your academic studies.
Application Guide for Shanghai Government Scholarship 2024
To apply for the Shanghai Government Scholarship, please adhere to the following step-by-step application guidelines:
1# Online Registration:
#2 Submission of Documents:
- Download and print the SGS scholarship application form.
- Mail two sets of application documents (originals and photocopies) to the applied university.
3# Required Documents:
- SGS scholarship Application form.
- Academic transcripts (notarized).
- Highest diploma (notarized).
- Health certificate and blood test results.
- Study plan, or research proposal.
- Motivation letter.
- Acceptance letter (Optional)
- Photocopy of passport.
- Other relevant certificates.
#4 Follow-Up:
- Regularly check emails for updates.
- The results will be announced on the application account and the International Students’ Office website.
- Admitted students must bring original certificates for registration.
5# Key Points to Note
- The SGS scholarship duration is strictly as per the Admission Notice.
- For some programs, an additional year of Chinese language study might extend the standard program duration.
- If you win SGS scholarship in 2024 then start your Chinese study visa application process in time.
Application Deadline for Shanghai Government Scholarship:
The deadline for applying for the Shanghai Government Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025 generally falls within the period of April to June 2024. Nevertheless, please note that the precise deadline can differ based on the university and program you intend to pursue. To obtain the latest and most accurate information, it is advisable to visit the official website of the university or program of your choice.
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